Taking care of your skin

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In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to overlook fundamental aspects of our well-being, including skin care. We're all aware of the importance of a good lifestyle routine, but it's sometimes hard to know where to start and what simple habits to adopt. That's why we've decided to go back to basics and reiterate the most essential tips for radiant, healthy skin.

In this article, we'll explore the fundamentals of skin health, from the importance of a balanced diet to the influence of sleep and exercise, not forgetting UV protection and the crucial role of hydration. We'll also share practical tips to help you better integrate these habits into your daily life.

By adopting these simple but effective tips, you can not only improve the appearance of your skin, but also strengthen its health and resilience. Remember that miracles don't exist and that caring for your skin is a long-term investment. This investment requires patience, perseverance and consistency. So, are you ready to embark on this journey towards healthier, brighter skin? Follow these tips: 

Adopt a balanced diet

To maintain healthy skin, it's important to eat nutrient-rich foods. Foods rich in antioxidants, and vitamins A, C and E (fresh fruit, dried fruit and vegetables, nuts and fruits, vegetables in general but especially green vegetables, vegetable oils), can help protect the skin against damage caused by free radicals, which can accelerate skin aging, and limit their proliferation in our bodies. Omega-3 fatty acids, found in nuts, vegetable oils or oily fish such as salmon, can help reduce inflammation and keep skin supple and hydrated. 

On the other hand, excessive consumption of sugars and saturated fats, highly processed industrial products or even poor-quality fresh produce, can contribute to skin problems such as acne or rashes. Limit your alcohol intake and also your consumption of animal proteins, or better still, eliminate them, especially if you're pre- or already menopausal. 


- Choose fruits and vegetables in season and organic whenever possible. 

- If you find it hard to fit in the 5 sacrosanct daily rations of fresh produce, switch to smoothies and compotes. 

Smoothies are quick to prepare and you can easily swallow 2-3 of the recommended portions. They have the advantage that you can mix fruit and vegetables in the same recipe. Exceeding the minimum recommended dose is child's play. 

Compotes are also quick to prepare, and have the added advantage of keeping for a few days in the fridge. Simply cook the fruit at low temperature, without adding extra sugar. 

- Take inspiration from Oriental and Asian cuisine, which are far more creative and flavorful when it comes to cooking vegetables, and stop thinking of them as mere side dishes. 

Remember that your skin is often a reflection of what you put into your body, and that a good diet is the best beauty routine you can offer your skin, and will always be more effective than any cosmetic-based beauty routine. 

Get enough sleep

Sleep is important for the health of your skin. Lack of sleep can cause dark circles, bags under the eyes and even wrinkles. It's during your sleep that your skin regenerates and the epidermis repairs itself, and it's also during this period that microcirculation is most active. The skin is therefore more receptive to whatever you put on it just before bedtime. 


- Choose soft, silky bed linen to limit any adverse reactions to rubbing. Silk and percale are ideal options. 

- Keep your pillows clean (change them at least once a week) and turn them every night. 

- Air your bedroom well before going to bed. 5-10 minutes is enough. The fresh air will help you fall asleep, and it's a real pleasure to snuggle up under the comforter when it's a bit chilly!

- Try to get enough sleep every night to allow your body to rest and regenerate your skin. The moment you hesitate to start a new chapter of your book or an episode of your favorite Netflix series, tell yourself you're going to give yourself a facial in your sleep instead. 

Exercise regularly

Regular exercise is highly beneficial to overall health, and our busy lives often don't leave much room for this aspect. In the topic of this article, exercise will help improve blood circulation, which in turn will boost the work of your liver and lymphatic system, both major contributors to toxin elimination. What's more, sweating during exercise will also help to unclog pores and eliminate toxins from your body. 


- Set yourself one goal a day and start with something easily achievable that you'll increase a little each week. 

- If you travel mainly by car, park at a distance from your destination and walk the last few hundred metres. Similarly, if you're taking public transport, get off one or two stops before your final destination. 

- Instead of driving to a big supermarket once a week, opt for short shopping trips on foot to local shops. It's a good way to get out and about a bit more, and to support local businesses. 

- Wash your face after perspiring to prevent sweat from accumulating, picking up dust and causing imperfections.

Cleanse your skin regularly... but not too much

Cleansing the skin is essential to remove dirt, bacteria and excess sebum. However, we must be careful not to disturb the microbiota, the collection of tiny organisms that protect, repair and ensure the proper functioning of our largest organ. Don't over-cleanse or exfoliate your skin. 

If you constantly clean/scrub it, you'll weaken it and reactions will appear. 


- Wash your skin with a gentle cleanser and avoid harsh products that can irritate it. Cold-saponified and super-fatted soaps are often well tolerated by body skin, and help reduce imperfections such as pimples, redness or excessive dryness. For the face, choose cleansers based on gentle natural surfactants such as Coco Glucoside, and make sure the list of ingredients is short. 

- If you wear make-up, use a gentle cleanser to remove it before cleansing your skin. Ideally, use pure oil, as it will dissolve all traces of make-up without disturbing the skin's balance. The choice of oil will depend on your skin type, but Jojoba, Hemp and Hazelnut are safe bet for all skin types. 

- Space out the number of times you exfoliate, especially on the face, and observe your skin to identify whether exfoliation is necessary or not. A good way of spacing out or even eliminating this step is to use a Konjac-type sponge to cleanse your skin, which will also remove small dead skin cells as you go along. 

Moisturize and nourish your skin

It's important to nourish and moisturize all skin types, including oily skin and especially mature skin. Use products that are compatible with your skin type, and prefer short formulas whose ingredients are as close as possible to what the skin naturally contains and often tolerates without any problems: water, natural oils, hyaluronic acid, glycerine, etc.


- Scrupulously follow "Balanced Diet", it will be your best ally for radiant skin.

- Observe your skin and adapt your skincare routine accordingly: if it's taut, it needs an oily substance; if it's irritated, it needs a watery substance... or nothing at all. Sometimes, you just need to give it time to regain its equilibrium, and to do that, you need to let it work quietly. Sometimes the problem is a medical one, in which case you need to consult a dermatologist and trust his or her diagnosis. 

- Use cosmetics sparingly and choose them according to your skin's needs. Choose products with short ingredient lists and no ingredients that are controversial for your skin or the environment. 

- Free yourself from TikTok, Instragram and other platforms that promote ten-step routines and guarantee miraculous results. If miracles existed, we'd know!

Protect your skin from UV rays

UV rays, both natural and artificial, are one of the main causes of skin damage, such as premature aging, wrinkles and brown spots. The risk of skin cancer is also high if we don't take care to protect ourselves properly. 

Advice :

- Avoid artificial UV rays. 

- Whatever your skin color, use a sunscreen with a sun protection factor (UVA and UVB) of at least 30, and reapply it every two hours if you're exposed to the sun.

- Also wear sunglasses, a wide-brimmed hat and clothes that cover your skin for extra protection. Loose-fitting linen garments are a good compromise between looks and protection when temperatures are high. 

- If you notice a change in any part of your skin, especially moles, or have a skin lesion that bleeds, itches or hurts, consult a dermatologist without delay. 

Avoid harmful chemicals

Many skin care products contain harmful chemicals such as parabens, sulfates and phthalates. These products can cause skin irritation and even more serious health problems. Look for natural and organic skin care products that don't contain these harmful chemicals, and check out our article dedicated to these products HERE.

Avoid touching your face

This may seem harmless, but it can actually contribute to the spread of bacteria on your skin and cause blemishes. Avoid touching your face as much as possible, and if you must, wash your hands beforehand.

By following these simple tips, you can maintain beautiful, healthy skin throughout your life. By cleansing, moisturizing, protecting and nourishing your skin, you can maintain a healthy appearance while protecting your health. Remember that every skin is unique and all skin is nature's own, so try to find the products and habits that work best for you. If you have any concerns or questions about your skin, consult a dermatologist for personalized advice.


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